Monday 8 February 2021

Joy-Anna Duggar Grosses Everyone Out: I’ve Been Wanting to Hook Up With My Husband Since I Was a Kid!

If you know anything about the Duggars, you know the whole family is strangely obsessed with sex.

That may sound like an odd statement, considering they’re a bunch of evangelicals who believe sex was created by the devil, but it’s totally possible to be obsessed with something you hate.

If your #Resistance boomer parents have been depressed since the day Joe Biden was sworn into office, then you know exactly what we mean.

Anyway, when Jim Bob and Michelle’s kids enter adolescence they’re completely clueless about sex and male-female relationships as a result of their ridiculously sheltered upbringings.

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At times, this has resulted in catastrophe, such as in the case of the Josh Duggar sex scandals.

But most of the time, it just leads to the Duggar kids making painfully awkward comments whenever they talk about sex publicly, which they do with surprising frequency.

The latest to demonstrate that she doesn’t quite understand how the world works is Joy-Anna Duggar.

Joy answered some questions from fans in her latest YouTube video, and one of her responses has stirred up a good deal of controversy.

“When and how did you know that Austin was more than an everyday crush?” one person asked.

Now, to her credit, Joy’s answer about the moment she developed feelings for her future husband appears to be completely honest.

Unfortunately, it’s more than a little icky.

“The moment that I knew that Austin was more than an everyday crush was — he was 17, I was 13, almost 14,” she shared.

“And this is not ‘I knew he was the one,’ but this was more than liking him; he was cute,” Joy went on.

From there, Joy offered an account of the night she fell for Austin.

“Austin was over at my family’s house playing volleyball; it was normal,” the mother of two said.

“My family was around, and if you know my dad, he will have people randomly share a testimony of how they got saved,” she added.

“He had Austin share that night, and he shared his testimony of his hard teen years and that he really wanted to serve the lord.”

Austin complied with Jim Bob’s weird request, and it seems that Joy was blown away by his performance.

“And I was like ‘wow! You don’t see that in guys ever.’ And ever since then, I had a huge crush on him and really admired him,” she said.

“So it just continued from there, and now we’re happily married.”

Some random middle-aged guy asking you to stand up and talk about Jesus in front of a bunch of strangers might sound like a nightmare for most 17-year-olds, but apparently, Austin really seized the opportunity to shine.

Five years later, of course, Joy and Austin got married, and the rest, as they say is history.

Back in August of 2020, Joy-Anna welcomed her second child, and she seems to be thoroughly enjoying her life of quiet domesticity.

That’s great and all, but this couple seemed a lot more wholesome before we knew they were making eyes at each other when he was 17, and she was freakin’ 13.

Like, a four-year age difference isn’t always a big deal — but 13 to 17? Those are two very different ages!

Granted, it’s not like these two acted on their impulses at that age, so there’s no reason to believe anything illegal went down.

Maybe we just assume the worst about every situation involving the Duggars for the sole reason that they’re the Duggars.

But to be fair, this family has given us many, many reasons to regard them with suspicion.


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