This week, Britney Spears returned to Instagram following her short-lived hiatus.
Her glorious return came just in time for a tasteful reflection upon her sons’ birthdays.
Sean Preston and Jayden James are growing up, and Britney respects and values their privacy.
Showing a respect for them that her father never showed her, she asked her sons before posting a tribute to them.
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Britney Spears took to her Instagram upon her return to write about her sons, who turned 16 and 15 last week.
Sean Preston’s birthday was on September 14. Jayden James’ was on September 12.
No, it was not the most agonizing labor imaginable for a pair of twins. Jayden was born a year later.

“My boys’ birthdays were last week …” Britney began alongside the above message.
“And unfortunately,” she noted, “they are growing up and want to do their own things.”
Britney emphasized: “I have to ask their permission to post them because they are extremely independent little men!!!”
“Anyway we had a small party and the coolest ice cream cakes!!!” Britney shared happily.
“It makes me crazy because they are so tall,” she noted, like so many moms before her.
“And geez,” Britney remarked, “they are still growing!!!”
“They went to a dance last week and I cried for two days,” Britney gushed.
She marveled over the sight and idea of “my babies in a suit !!! It’s crazy !!!”
“And girls get ready,” Britney wrote, “cause my boys are so handsome!!!”
The quote that she shared was: “There is nothing stronger than the love between a mother and son.”
Britney explained: “I truly believe this quote which is why I wanted to share it.”
“There’s a lot I can’t share with you all,” she continued, but she has the best reason possible for that.
Britney cannot share more “because my kids are very private which I love.”
“But,” she promised, “I will tell you they are both extremely talented.”
“And,” Britney wrote, “I’m so incredibly blessed to have these two little men in my life!!!”

“And if they’re reading this … which I’m pretty sure they’re not …” Britney continued.
She concluded her affectionate post sweetly: “I love you two little devils so much!”
Britney has so many good qualities, but one of them is simply that she’s a great mom.
As you can see by how far back some of our photos of Sean Preston and Jayden James go, Britney has respected their privacy greatly.
In the past, she used her Instagram to boost their artwork and costume-wearing.
We have all seen and admired their Dragon Ball Z fanart and felt the pride radiating from Britney.
That is and was nothing new.
Many years ago, when Britney’s sons were still very young, she was seen giving them choices during public opinions.
If one was overwhelmed by press attention, he didn’t have to stay in front of the crowd. She checked on their emotional state because she cared.
Several years ago, Britney’s sons were learning algebra and may have needed help with their homework.
Britney could have hired a tutor, but instead she personally enrolled in math classes as an adult.
She wanted to learn herself so that she could help her sons with their homework as needed. That is above-and-beyond by any standard.
In 2019, Britney’s universally despised father, Jamie Spears, allegedly broke down a door and physically attacked Sean Preston, shaking him.
Britney and the boys’ father, Kevin Federline, took immediate action.
Britney did the one thing that she can do under her conservatorship — cede custody time to their father to get them away from Jamie’s (literal) grasp.
Kevin followed up by reporting the assault to authorities — which, because our justice system is a sick joke, went nowhere.
Fortunately, Kevin was able to obtain three-year restraining orders protecting both of Britney’s sons from Jamie.
It will be another year before Jamie is even permitted to contact either boy, and that’s if the orders are not extended.
Britney cares about her sons and respects them as autonomous human beings who need her love and support.
Jamie Spears’ recent war of words, badmathing her in the press and in court alike in a desperate smear campaign, is a stark contrast to that.
Britney is the good parent that she never had herself. It’s beautiful and heartbreaking all at the same time.
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