Even months after the end of Happily Ever After?, 90 Day Fiance fans aren’t of one mind about Mike and Natalie.
Was Mike a gaslighter and Natalie his victim? Or was Natalie a manipulator just using Mike? Who’s the bad guy?
The only thing that we know for sure is that they’re over, and Mike seems to have moved on.
Natalie is acknowledging that Mike has a “new catch” … and says that she doesn’t give a flip.
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Mike Youngquist appears to have moved on.
Yes, we know that a lot of fans have jumped the gun and declared that Mike is “dating” any woman he’s been spotted with.
But right now, it looks like Mike may have truly moved on following his separation from Natalie Mordovtseva.
Taking to her Instagram Stories, Natalie is addressing the stories.
One fan advised her to “call Mike” during a Q&A on the social media platform.
Natalie wasn’t taking the advice, but she explained why.
“He’s on vacation with his new catch,” Natalie wrote.
She followed that with a string of emojis implying both laughter and positivity.
Natalie told the follower that she doesn’t “want to spoil his fun time.”

That message went out on Thursday, September 30 for all to see.
That was not all that she had to say.
Natalie followed that up with another Instagram Story, more vaguely writing: “I don’t give a flying bird now.”

That doesn’t necessarily count as a confirmation that Mike’s alleged new relationship is real.
Natalie and Mike barely communicated while they were together.
Who is to say that she has any insider information about Mike’s post-Natalie love life?
What we know is that Mike Youngquist has been spending time recently with Marcia “Brazil” Alves.
Marcia appeared on VH1’s show, Rock of Love Bus, making her a fellow reality star.
But her photos with Mike have shown the two enjoying each other’s company.
Specifically, Mike and Marcia appeared on her Instagram getting into various “shenanigans” at the Hilton Lake Las Vegas Resort & Spa.
She has referred to Mike as both a “sweetheart” and “one of my favorite people” and an “amazing dude” on Instagram.
While it’s not quite confirmation, many fans have made the logical leap and concluded that they are likely dating.
As we mentioned, views of Mike and Natalie are very polarized among fans.
Naturally, some have been congratulating Mike for finding happiness, many taking jabs at Natalie at the same time.
At the same time, others have groaned that Mike is going to pull the same behavior on Marcia that they believe that he did with Natalie.
As we have covered extensively, Mike and Natalie are both flawed people who wronged each other.
At times, it seemed that the two of them took turns being the “bad guy.”
Some of that could be narrative editing by production … but at its core, it seems to reflect who they were as a couple.
Some people simply should not be together but will not spiral into conflicts if they communicate and truly care about each other.
That was not Mike and Natalie.
However, they still do not appear to have filed for divorce — so they are still married, at least on paper.
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